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CMB 2.0 (10 Week 'Fire Your Boss' Challenge)
CMB Onramp [Complete First]
Welcome! Start Here
CMB Onramp 1 - Introducing CMB 2.0 (4:39)
CMB Onramp 2 - Copy Warrior DNA (9:11)
CMB Onramp 3 - Your First Million (24:58)
CMB Onramp 4 - The Banana Curve (8:34)
CMB Onramp 5 - Fast Start 1: Clearing The Clutter (7:26)
CMB Onramp 6 - Fast Start 2: Lighting Your Chair On Fire (6:52)
CMB Onramp 7 - Meet Your Teammates (7:04)
Book Your Feedback and Transformation Calls (4:49)
Your Bonus $1300 Credit (Claim Now)
🚨 Where to Get Support 🚨
Your Dedicated Support Channels
Module 1 - Warrior Foundations
Module 1.1 - The Warrior OS (46:46)
Module 1.2 - Dopamine is Destroying You
Module 1.3 - Double Your Hourly Rate Immediately (19:43)
Complete The 'Email Domination' Training and Then Come Back
Module 2 - Your 5 Star Niche
CMB Module 2.1 - The Five Ones (11:11)
CMB Module 2.2 - Choosing Your Service (22:22)
CMB Module 2.3 - Choosing Your Market (36:21)
Module 3 - The Setup
Module 3.1 - The Setup Part 1 (51:40)
Module 3.2 - The Setup Part 2 (40:07)
Module 3.3 - Quick Cash Campaigns (38:09)
Module 4 - Farming (Warm Outreach)
Module 4.1 - Hunting vs Farming (14:43)
Module 4.2 - High Status Introduction (25:01)
Module 4.3 - The Wine 'n Dine (48:41)
Module 4.4 - The Piggybacking Method (17:47)
Module 4.5 - Facebook Farm Overview (20:24)
Module 4.6 - Building Your Facebook Farm (61:25)
Module 4.7 - Facebook Story Hacks to Get Clients Quickly (45:59)
Module 5 - Hunting (Cold Outreach)
5 Quick Notes
Module 5.1 - Manual vs Automated Outreach (21:04)
Module 5.2 - Choose Your Character (4:03)
Module 5.3 - Intro to Automated Outreach (15:41)
Module 5.4 - The AI Outreach Machine Pt. I - Automated Prospecting (69:48)
Module 5.5 - The AI Outreach Machine Pt. II - Crafting Your Offer (55:37)
CMB Module 5.6 - Cold Email Pro Secrets (58:20)
[MUST WATCH RECAP] The Automated Outreach Machine Full Setup Guide [Watch Before Sending]
Deliverability Checklist [Watch Before Sending]
Module 5.7 - How to GUARANTEE You Hit $10k/mo (42:50)
CMB Module 5.8 - Personalised Outreach (The 'Heavy' Approach) (73:54)
Module 5.9 - The WOW Package (The 'Sniper' Approach) (53:56)
BONUS: Personalised Outreach on Steroids
BONUS: My Million Dollar Cold Email Swipe Files
BONUS: How Dev Books 3 Calls a Week on Autopilot With His Unique and Brilliant 'IGE' Strategy (5:54)
BONUS: Use This Google Hack to Find Ecom Leads Quickly (1:53)
Module 6 - Qualifying Prospects
Module 6.1 - Identifying Five-Star Prospects (10:46)
Module 6.2 - Four Key Pillars of Auditioning Prospects (17:20)
Module 6.3 - Booking Calls From Warm Outreach (52:59)
Module 6.4 - Booking Calls From Cold Outreach (45:38)
Module 6.5 - Outreach Hermetics III - How to Follow Up Without Being Needy (55:56)
Module 6.6 - The Daily Chat Rhythm (19:45)
Module 6.7 - How to Handle Common Responses (7:57)
Module 6.8 - How to Eliminate No-Shows (11:59)
Module 7 - Closing Clients
Module 7.1 - Your Offer and Pricing (20:18)
Module 7.2 - Before The Call (16:06)
Module 7.3 - Closing The Deal (95:43)
Module 7.4 - Handling Objections (53:30)
Module 7.5 - Onboarding Clients (10:55)
Module 8 - Running Your Freelancing Business
Module 8.1 - Retaining Clients (31:00)
Module 8.2 - Managing Your Business (3:14)
Module 8.3 - Managing Your Time (33:21)
Module 8.4 - Leveraging a VA (18:25)
Module 8.5 - Closing Words + Next Steps (10:47)
Bonus Training
BONUS Training #1: The Chat Closing Masterclass (116:52)
BONUS Training #2: The SPEAR Masterclass (90:15)
BONUS Training #3: Copy and Funnels Masterclass with Sam & Tyler (149:47)
BONUS #4: Using ChatGPT To Land Clients (Alex Sucala Interview)
BONUS #5: The Quick Cash Button - Do This When You Need Money Fast (92:00)
BONUS #6 - The Weekend Cash Machine ($40,000 in a Weekend) (39:04)
Bonus Resources
CMB Closing Call Framework
CMB Objection Handling Cheat Sheet
Agreement Template For Use with Your Clients
The 'Clients on Command' Cheatsheet
'Testi Two-Step' Script To Ask for Testimonials and Referrals
10 Essential Tools To Make Your Life Easier
Steal My Funnels
CMB Creed Wallpapers
How to Get Your Clients' Login Info Without Their Password
NEW 'Email Sidekick' Writing Bot 🤖 (8:38)
The Chat Vault 🏦
Introducing The Chat Vault - Overview
Example Outreach Emails
Example Looms ('Operation Jailbreak' Angle) (4:35)
Client Conversations (5:07)
Closing Calls (Coming Soon)
Call Recordings
Sean Ferres Q&A Calls
Copy Coaching Calls with Matt
Copy Coaching Calls with Kenneth
Sales Drill Coaching Calls with Ben
Watch If You're Feeling Demotivated
How to Grow An Audience if You Have 0 Followers
Module 3.1 - The Setup Part 1
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